Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Thoughts on Reid's Article

The taste that launched 1,000 parking tickets
Pinkberry addicts cramp the style of one neighborhood.
By Deborah Netburn, Times Staff WriterAugust 4, 2006

I really enjoyed this article bout the Korean women who after being shot down time after time by the neighborhood committee, she ended up striking it rich. This new obsession with Pinkberry around the Los Angeles has motivated her to start opening up new locations around the LA area along with talk of opening nationally.

What makes this article so interesting is that Hwang has such a confidence in her product that she is confident she can make her amazing yogurt work all over the nation. The underlying story within this success story is that the neighbors have a hard time with all of the traffic and bustle that can be found around Pinkberry.
Finding a niche in the U.S. culture today is starting to seem as easy as turning on a light switch.

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